Elections in Cameroon : Moustik Le Karismatik calls Young people to be registered


Elections in Cameroon : Moustik Le Karismatik calls Young people to be registered

▌The famous comic character Moustik Le KarismatiK came out with a new video two days ago in social media, to call youths for registrations in the electoral lists.This is a new strategy implemented by the Director General of Election’s CameroonErickEssousse, to warm up the crowd on the importance of being registered.




After the ongoing of the last presidential elections in Cameroon, where the level of registrations has been claimed to be low according to the recent statistics on the number of inhabitants, the Director General of Election’s Cameroon implements a new strategy to warm up the mass. About only 6.5 millions of people were enrolled in 2018, during the presidential elections, comparing to about 25 million inhabitants. This was then considered as a disgrace by many political parties not only, but also by the international community and other Non-Governmental Organisations, came to observer the ongoing activities.

Following this, one will quickly understand the reason why Erick EssousseDirector General of Elecam is actually looking forward to change strategies. Artists are put into contribution to ameliorate or, better to boost the number of voters during the next coming challenges. The well-known Comedian, Moustik Le Karimatikusing a language that is more familiar in youth’s milieu, tries to sensitize youths to enrol themselves in electoral lists, for the next municipal, legislative and presidential polls that will be organized across the nation in 2025.




Using ‘’Camfranglais’’ (a youth’s language developed in Cameroon that include in one English and French), the beloved artist calls for young people responsibilities. He calls for the moral values of each, to massively participate to the next electoral mass.

It is important to mention that, the enrolling process concerns youths that have at least 20 years old. Following the enrolling calendar, Elecam has started the enrolling process since January and will end at the end of august 2023.


A period of 8 months is then opened this year for enrolling citizens in the nation-wide. This new policy is being praised by the majority of political parties in Cameroon, especially those who recently engage themselves in a common-led initiative called Together4Cameroon. ‘’ Casting his/her vote, becomes a citizen duty ’’.







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