Do not miss this exclusive offer: Publication of a Sponsored Article from €25
- 48-hour turnaround time
- A transparent price, known in advance, with no extra costs at the end
- Bonus: Publication on a news website referenced by Google News
- It must have a unique and original content and it must contain between 300 -400 words
- It must have a main title and at least 2 subtitles.
- You can insert only one external link
- The article is accessible during the life of the site
- You must provide a royalty-free image with a size of at least 900 x 600
- We optimise the title and description tags of the article
- Optional: + Writing of the article: 6 €.
- Sponsored article for 16€ (400 words max without link + 01 photo)
- Sponsored article for 25€ (450 words max with 01 link + 01 photo)
- Sponsored article for 40€ (500 – 600 words 02 links + 02 photos)
- Sponsored article for 55€ (800 words with 02 links + 02 photos)
- Sponsored article for 54€ (1200 words without link + 03 photos)
- Sponsored article for 70€ (1500 words with 02 links + 05 photos)
- Sponsored article for 150€ (2000 words with 5 links + 10 photos)
- Scientific article for 350€ (5000 words with 10 links + 20 photos)
- Youtube link or video integration + €25
- Insertion of a gallery of 5-8 captioned photos + 20€ (5000 words with 10 links + 20 photos)
- Optimisation of the article for Seo before publication + €25
- Publication on each additional website + 35 €.
- Publication of your small ad (200 words without link) at €10
- Special article from €220
- Advertorial: €500 to be published on two sites
- Advertorial: 3200 € to be published on 10 sites
- Big interview: €500
- Interview: € 350
- Link article already published: 200 € /year
- Sponsoring monthly column: 1500 € /year
For all your other needs
Media coverage, Advertising, Advertising spot, Reportage, Publi-reportage, Reportage and audiovisual editing, Interview, Partnership, Website creation, Web or Mobile application development, Transcription…
Do not hesitate to contact us for your satisfaction.
Call the sales department at +237 680 81 22 42
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