After Joe Biden’s commitment to a carbon-free electricity sector, Jayson Frascatore responds

Jayson Frascatore , American writer and founder of the National Recycling Project, reacted to the tweet from American President Joe Biden who is committed to a carbon-free electricity sector.




A5 NEWS – “As President, I will set America on the path to achieving a carbon-free electricity sector by 2035,” tweetted the next 46th President of the United States of America, Joe Biden.

“A path that no future president will be able to take,” added the U.S. President-elect. This tweet sparked a host of reactions from American citizens who share this decision.  Like Jayson Frascatore, an American writer and founder of the National Recycling Project (NRP), who is calling for radical changes to U.S. recycling laws across the United States to help defeat climate change.



“I would love to see at least 50% of people on the road using electric cars in 10 years. But if we can do it faster and have more than 80%, that would be great too. »

“I would love to see at least 50% of the people on the road using electric cars in 10 years. But if we can do it faster and have more than 80%, that would be good too. “He said writer Jayson Frascatore following Joe Biden’s tweet. The founder of the National Recycling Project adds: “China is ahead of us and is approaching fully electric cars on the road by next year. »



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